We wanted to thank all of our LGBTQ friends, for their support, by supporting them back. We're helping to sponsor this years Pridefest, both financially, and physically. Brian and Jesse will be taking the day off to help out. Look for them between the hours of Noon and 4pm, Saturday, May 16th.
We've also put together these limited edition Redbird Electric Tattooing Pride buttons just for the occasion. Apprentice Ernie will be walking around giving them out that saturday, for as long they last. He'll be the cute, tattooed blond, walking around in a Redbird shirt. If you want to grab one before the event, drop by and grab one at the shop. We will only do one run of these, and they are FREE, until Sunday May 17th, or we run out. Which ever comes first. So grab one quick.
Remember, Springfield Pridefest. Saturday, May 16th. Downtown Springfield. More info at http://www.springfieldpride.org.