Well, it's been a banger of a year, but we're ready to put it to rest. Thank you to all who walked through our doors, this year. It has been a pleasure to tattoo you, and we can only hope you enjoyed your visits as much as we did. We work hard to make Redbird the best it can be, and without you, that would not be possible. 

So, seriously, thank you so much for your support, and please, please, please, please, please... come see us again in 2016. We've got a lot of cool things planned, and we wouldn't want you to miss them.

Be safe tonight and Happy New Year!

- Brian and the gang at Redbird

 And a quick FYI:

We will be closing at 6pm on News Years Eve, and will be closed New Years Day. We will return to regular business hours on Saturday, Jan. 2, 2016. 

New years